
More Sanity Checking of the LANL GPS Charged-Particle Dataset

Prior posts in this series may be found at:
In this post I continue looking at the values of fields for the CXD experiment carried on ns53 through ns73.

Sanity check for L_shell

The values for L_shell include some NA values (created during earlier processing), representing locations for which the L-shell calculation is not meaningful. It is fairly debatable whether these should be removed, so as to ensure that the user cannot make the mistake of failing to check for NA values. On balance, though, it seems better to leave these values in the dataset, since the actual data from the satellite are not tainted.

Ignoring the NA values, the values of L_shell lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 4.079050e+00 6.885292e+01
54 4.073716e+00 7.250067e+01
55 4.067056e+00 7.125280e+01
56 4.081161e+00 7.127625e+01
57 4.113699e+00 7.339611e+01
58 4.088591e+00 7.147417e+01
59 4.058853e+00 7.154358e+01
60 4.083813e+00 7.114283e+01
61 4.061549e+00 7.002652e+01
62 4.082852e+00 6.885380e+01
63 4.076490e+00 7.115145e+01
64 4.105269e+00 7.008071e+01
65 4.068625e+00 6.727069e+01
66 4.084220e+00 6.957386e+01
67 4.108083e+00 7.065966e+01
68 4.108754e+00 7.211983e+01
69 4.106989e+00 6.798032e+01
70 4.100414e+00 6.645398e+01
71 4.103767e+00 7.137340e+01
72 4.103526e+00 7.117196e+01
73 4.096220e+00 6.786675e+01

These look reasonable.

Sanity check for L_LGM_TS04IGRF

The values for L_LGM_TS04IGRF include some NA values (created during earlier processing), representing locations for which the L-shell calculation is not meaningful. It is fairly debatable whether these should be removed, so as to ensure that the user cannot make the mistake of failing to check for NA values. On balance, though, it seems better to leave these values in the dataset, since the actual data from the satellite are not tainted.

Ignoring the NA values, the values of L_LGM_TS04IGRF lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 3.947573e+00 6.927239e+01
54 3.901199e+00 6.919588e+01
55 3.936277e+00 6.879617e+01
56 3.792127e+00 7.015551e+01
57 4.008310e+00 7.110403e+01
58 3.900022e+00 7.005057e+01
59 4.007891e+00 6.847356e+01
60 4.003237e+00 7.221038e+01
61 3.902738e+00 6.978320e+01
62 3.912530e+00 7.011196e+01
63 3.971503e+00 6.971264e+01
64 4.024707e+00 6.769095e+01
65 4.015073e+00 7.188151e+01
66 4.007551e+00 6.856100e+01
67 4.050529e+00 6.987180e+01
68 3.995247e+00 6.942418e+01
69 4.048874e+00 6.902460e+01
70 4.046164e+00 6.815424e+01
71 4.071240e+00 6.757528e+01
72 3.999839e+00 6.450151e+01
73 4.044781e+00 6.871470e+01

These look reasonable.

Sanity check for L_LGM_OP77IGRF

The values for L_LGM_OP77IGRF include some NA values (created during earlier processing), representing locations for which the L-shell calculation is not meaningful. It is fairly debatable whether these should be removed, so as to ensure that the user cannot make the mistake of failing to check for NA values. On balance, though, it seems better to leave these values in the dataset, since the actual data from the satellite are not tainted. I note that the description of this field claims that it is "not currently filled". This is obviously not true.

Ignoring the NA values, the values of L_LGM_OP77IGRF lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 4.113965e+00 3.660894e+01
54 4.106457e+00 3.617539e+01
55 4.100884e+00 3.591780e+01
56 4.113720e+00 3.660868e+01
57 4.146636e+00 3.850798e+01
58 4.120502e+00 3.787992e+01
59 4.091215e+00 3.613692e+01
60 4.117398e+00 3.684020e+01
61 4.094553e+00 3.684505e+01
62 4.114965e+00 3.617936e+01
63 4.108885e+00 3.639508e+01
64 4.138934e+00 3.603204e+01
65 4.103389e+00 3.535154e+01
66 4.116871e+00 3.776598e+01
67 4.144117e+00 3.279393e+01
68 4.145199e+00 2.837767e+01
69 4.138738e+00 3.545018e+01
70 4.132139e+00 3.260918e+01
71 4.136635e+00 3.643418e+01
72 4.137440e+00 3.532261e+01
73 4.127833e+00 3.632726e+01

These look (mostly) reasonable; but note that the maximum valid values are considerably less than for the other magnetic field models, and also the low maximum for ns68, which may indicate an issue worthy of more investigation with the data for that satellite.

Sanity check for L_LGM_T89CDIP

The values for L_LGM_T89CDIP include some NA values (created during earlier processing), representing locations for which the L-shell calculation is not meaningful. It is fairly debatable whether these should be removed, so as to ensure that the user cannot make the mistake of failing to check for NA values. On balance, though, it seems better to leave these values in the dataset, since the actual data from the satellite are not tainted.

Ignoring the NA values, the values of L_LGM_T89CDIP lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 4.156665e+00 7.046841e+01
54 4.134309e+00 7.297807e+01
55 4.141375e+00 7.265581e+01
56 4.147715e+00 7.362871e+01
57 4.171050e+00 7.021322e+01
58 4.160699e+00 6.858366e+01
59 4.138150e+00 7.196883e+01
60 4.132394e+00 7.063522e+01
61 4.135012e+00 7.077780e+01
62 4.164926e+00 6.988359e+01
63 4.155301e+00 7.192335e+01
64 4.165912e+00 6.925883e+01
65 4.153215e+00 6.977235e+01
66 4.163230e+00 6.761487e+01
67 4.174354e+00 6.961524e+01
68 4.172899e+00 6.893099e+01
69 4.178059e+00 7.078880e+01
70 4.174908e+00 7.211150e+01
71 4.179994e+00 7.007543e+01
72 4.171566e+00 7.102184e+01
73 4.177882e+00 6.814721e+01

These look reasonable.

Sanity check for bfield_ratio

The definition of bfield_ratio is:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
33 bfield_ratio double 1 Bsatellite/Bequator

 This appears to mean:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
33 bfield_ratio double 1 Ratio of magnetic field at the satellite to the magnetic field along the field line to the equator.

The recorded value of this field is not obvious (especially since it is naturally highly dependent on the field model one uses).

Looking at the values of the bfield_ratio, one quickly sees many NA values and, worse, values of the form -n.nnnnnne+99 that make no sense at all. It is therefore not obvious that this field was ever subject to any kind of quality control.

In private communication with the LANL team, I discovered that:
  1. There is no in situ satellite instrument for measuring magnetic fields;
  2. All fields related to magnetic measurement are calculated, not measured.
  3. The primary reference for the calculation is: https://github.com/drsteve/LANLGeoMag.
It does not, therefore, seem sensible to retain these fields from the records (i.e., in particular, bfield_ratio, b_sattelite [which I remove with some relief, for obvious reasons] and b_equator [removed with relief for reasons that are almost as obvious if one looks at the official documentation for the field]. If a user wishes to calculate the values of equivalent fields for himself, he may do so, using the then-current versions of the routines cited above or similar routines. (Although it is obviously troubling that apparently it was possible to obtain nonsense results from the published routines, at least as of the date when the original 1.3 dataset was released. So, if a user calculates magnetic values for himself, he is urged to check their sanity before relying on them.)

Stage 31: Remove bfield_ratio

for file in ns[567]*
    awk '{$33=""; print $0}' $file | tr -s " " | sed 's/ $//' > ../gps-stage-31/$file

The records for ns53 to ns73 now look like this:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
1 decimal_day double 1 GPS time: a decimal number in the range [1, 367) in leap years or [1, 366) otherwise, representing the day of the year (1-Jan 00:00 to 31-Dec 24:00).
2 Geographic_Latitude double 1 Latitude of satellite (°, N +ve)
3 Geographic_Longitude double 1 Longitude of satellite (°, E +ve, measured from Greenwich meridian)
4 Rad_Re double 1 Distance from centre of Earth, in units of Earth radii.
5-15 rate_electron_measured double 11 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 11 CXD electron channels
16-20 rate_proton_measured double 5 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 5 CXD proton channels (P1-P5)
21 LEP_thresh double 1 LEP threshold in E1 channels, in keV
22 collection_interval int 1 dosimeter collection period (seconds)
23 year int 1 year (e.g. 2015)
24 decimal_year double 1 decimal year = year + (decimal_day-1.0) / (days in year)
25 SVN int 1 Satellite Vehicle Number
26 b_coord_radius double 1 Distance from dipole axis, in units of Earth radii.
27 b_coord_height double 1 Distance from dipole equatorial plane, in units of Earth radii (N +ve).
28 magnetic_longitude double 1 Magnetic longitude (degrees)
29 L_shell double 1 L shell: McIlwain calculation according to model with T89 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
30 L_LGM_TS04IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, TS04 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
31 L_LGM_OP77IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, OP77 External Field, IGRF Internal Field (not currently filled)
32 L_LGM_T89CDIP double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, T89 External Field, Centered Dipole Internal Field
33 local_time double 1 magnetic local time (0-24 hours)
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC (0-24 hours)
35 b_sattelite double 1 B field at satellite (gauss)
36 b_equator double 1 B field at equator (on this field line I think) (gauss)
37-47 electron_background double 11 estimated background in electron channels E1-E11 (Hz)
48-52 proton_background double 5 estimated background in proton channels P1-P5 (Hz)
53 proton_activity int 1 =1 if there is significant proton activity
54 proton_temperature_fit double 1 characteristic momentum -- R0 in the expression given above (MeV/c)
55 proton_density_fit double 1 N0 parameter in fit to proton flux ((protons/(cm2 sec sr MeV))
56 electron_temperature_fit double 1 electron temperature from a one Maxwellian fit (MeV)
57 electron_density_fit double 1 electron number density from a one Maxwellian fit (cm-3)
58-62 model_counts_proton_fit_pf double 5 P1-P5 rate from proton fit (using proton_temperature_fit, proton_density_fit)
63-73 model_counts_electron_fit double 11 E1-E11 rates from the 9-parameter electron flux model
74-79 proton_integrated_flux_fit double 6 integral of proton flux (based on fit) above 10, 15.85, 25.11, 30, 40, 79.43 MeV (proton kinetic energy)
80-109 integral_flux_instrument double 30 (based on 9 parameter fit) integral of electron flux above integral_flux_energy[i] particles/(cm2 sec)
110-139 integral_flux_energy double 30 energies for the integral of integral_flux_instrument (MeV)
140-154 electron_diff_flux_energy double 15 energies for the fluxes in electron_diff_flux_energy (MeV)
155-169 electron_diff_flux double 15 (based on 9 parameter fit) electron flux at energies electron_diff_flux[i] (particle/(cm2 sr MeV sec))
170-178 Efitpars double 9 fit parameters for 9 parameter electron fit

Stage 32: Remove b_sattelite

  for file in ns[567]*
    awk '{$35=""; print $0}' $file | tr -s " " | sed 's/ $//' > ../gps-stage-32/$file

The records for ns53 to ns73 now look like this:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
1 decimal_day double 1 GPS time: a decimal number in the range [1, 367) in leap years or [1, 366) otherwise, representing the day of the year (1-Jan 00:00 to 31-Dec 24:00).
2 Geographic_Latitude double 1 Latitude of satellite (°, N +ve)
3 Geographic_Longitude double 1 Longitude of satellite (°, E +ve, measured from Greenwich meridian)
4 Rad_Re double 1 Distance from centre of Earth, in units of Earth radii.
5-15 rate_electron_measured double 11 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 11 CXD electron channels
16-20 rate_proton_measured double 5 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 5 CXD proton channels (P1-P5)
21 LEP_thresh double 1 LEP threshold in E1 channels, in keV
22 collection_interval int 1 dosimeter collection period (seconds)
23 year int 1 year (e.g. 2015)
24 decimal_year double 1 decimal year = year + (decimal_day-1.0) / (days in year)
25 SVN int 1 Satellite Vehicle Number
26 b_coord_radius double 1 Distance from dipole axis, in units of Earth radii.
27 b_coord_height double 1 Distance from dipole equatorial plane, in units of Earth radii (N +ve).
28 magnetic_longitude double 1 Magnetic longitude (degrees)
29 L_shell double 1 L shell: McIlwain calculation according to model with T89 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
30 L_LGM_TS04IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, TS04 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
31 L_LGM_OP77IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, OP77 External Field, IGRF Internal Field (not currently filled)
32 L_LGM_T89CDIP double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, T89 External Field, Centered Dipole Internal Field
33 local_time double 1 magnetic local time (0-24 hours)
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC (0-24 hours)
35 b_equator double 1 B field at equator (on this field line I think) (gauss)
36-46 electron_background double 11 estimated background in electron channels E1-E11 (Hz)
47-51 proton_background double 5 estimated background in proton channels P1-P5 (Hz)
52 proton_activity int 1 =1 if there is significant proton activity
53 proton_temperature_fit double 1 characteristic momentum -- R0 in the expression given above (MeV/c)
54 proton_density_fit double 1 N0 parameter in fit to proton flux ((protons/(cm2 sec sr MeV))
55 electron_temperature_fit double 1 electron temperature from a one Maxwellian fit (MeV)
56 electron_density_fit double 1 electron number density from a one Maxwellian fit (cm-3)
57-61 model_counts_proton_fit_pf double 5 P1-P5 rate from proton fit (using proton_temperature_fit, proton_density_fit)
62-72 model_counts_electron_fit double 11 E1-E11 rates from the 9-parameter electron flux model
73-78 proton_integrated_flux_fit double 6 integral of proton flux (based on fit) above 10, 15.85, 25.11, 30, 40, 79.43 MeV (proton kinetic energy)
79-108 integral_flux_instrument double 30 (based on 9 parameter fit) integral of electron flux above integral_flux_energy[i] particles/(cm2 sec)
109-138 integral_flux_energy double 30 energies for the integral of integral_flux_instrument (MeV)
139-153 electron_diff_flux_energy double 15 energies for the fluxes in electron_diff_flux_energy (MeV)
154-168 electron_diff_flux double 15 (based on 9 parameter fit) electron flux at energies electron_diff_flux[i] (particle/(cm2 sr MeV sec))
169-177 Efitpars double 9 fit parameters for 9 parameter electron fit

Stage 33: Remove b_equator

  for file in ns[567]*
    awk '{$35=""; print $0}' $file | tr -s " " | sed 's/ $//' > ../gps-stage-32/$file

The records for ns53 to ns73 now look like this:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
1 decimal_day double 1 GPS time: a decimal number in the range [1, 367) in leap years or [1, 366) otherwise, representing the day of the year (1-Jan 00:00 to 31-Dec 24:00).
2 Geographic_Latitude double 1 Latitude of satellite (°, N +ve)
3 Geographic_Longitude double 1 Longitude of satellite (°, E +ve, measured from Greenwich meridian)
4 Rad_Re double 1 Distance from centre of Earth, in units of Earth radii.
5-15 rate_electron_measured double 11 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 11 CXD electron channels
16-20 rate_proton_measured double 5 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 5 CXD proton channels (P1-P5)
21 LEP_thresh double 1 LEP threshold in E1 channels, in keV
22 collection_interval int 1 dosimeter collection period (seconds)
23 year int 1 year (e.g. 2015)
24 decimal_year double 1 decimal year = year + (decimal_day-1.0) / (days in year)
25 SVN int 1 Satellite Vehicle Number
26 b_coord_radius double 1 Distance from dipole axis, in units of Earth radii.
27 b_coord_height double 1 Distance from dipole equatorial plane, in units of Earth radii (N +ve).
28 magnetic_longitude double 1 Magnetic longitude (degrees)
29 L_shell double 1 L shell: McIlwain calculation according to model with T89 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
30 L_LGM_TS04IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, TS04 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
31 L_LGM_OP77IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, OP77 External Field, IGRF Internal Field (not currently filled)
32 L_LGM_T89CDIP double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, T89 External Field, Centered Dipole Internal Field
33 local_time double 1 magnetic local time (0-24 hours)
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC (0-24 hours)
35-45 electron_background double 11 estimated background in electron channels E1-E11 (Hz)
46-50 proton_background double 5 estimated background in proton channels P1-P5 (Hz)
51 proton_activity int 1 =1 if there is significant proton activity
52 proton_temperature_fit double 1 characteristic momentum -- R0 in the expression given above (MeV/c)
53 proton_density_fit double 1 N0 parameter in fit to proton flux ((protons/(cm2 sec sr MeV))
54 electron_temperature_fit double 1 electron temperature from a one Maxwellian fit (MeV)
55 electron_density_fit double 1 electron number density from a one Maxwellian fit (cm-3)
56-60 model_counts_proton_fit_pf double 5 P1-P5 rate from proton fit (using proton_temperature_fit, proton_density_fit)
61-71 model_counts_electron_fit double 11 E1-E11 rates from the 9-parameter electron flux model
72-77 proton_integrated_flux_fit double 6 integral of proton flux (based on fit) above 10, 15.85, 25.11, 30, 40, 79.43 MeV (proton kinetic energy)
78-107 integral_flux_instrument double 30 (based on 9 parameter fit) integral of electron flux above integral_flux_energy[i] particles/(cm2 sec)
108-137 integral_flux_energy double 30 energies for the integral of integral_flux_instrument (MeV)
138-152 electron_diff_flux_energy double 15 energies for the fluxes in electron_diff_flux_energy (MeV)
153-167 electron_diff_flux double 15 (based on 9 parameter fit) electron flux at energies electron_diff_flux[i] (particle/(cm2 sr MeV sec))
168-176 Efitpars double 9 fit parameters for 9 parameter electron fit

Sanity check for local_time

The definition of local_time is:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
33 local_time double 1 magnetic local time (0-24 hours)

 There are a couple of problems with this definition:
  1. The field name gives no indication that refers to a magnetic value, so should be renamed magnetic_local_time;
  2. It provides no indication of exactly how magnetic local time is defined (and several mutually exclusive definitions are extant).
However, providing that one does not ascribe great accuracy to this value, it might conceivably be useful, so it is not unreasonable to retain it, with some emendations.

Firstly, we redefine it slightly (although unfortunately being forced to retain the ambiguity as to its precise meaning):

Column Variable name type Dim. description
33 magnetic_local_time double 1 magnetic local time [0-24) hours

The actual values of this field lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 7.845492e-06 2.399998e+01
54 7.956284e-06 2.400000e+01
55 3.351804e-05 2.399994e+01
56 1.586655e-05 2.399998e+01
57 4.068317e-05 2.399998e+01
58 2.519977e-05 2.399999e+01
59 4.977282e-06 2.400000e+01
60 7.915747e-06 2.399999e+01
61 2.649532e-06 2.400000e+01
62 1.991213e-05 2.400000e+01
63 3.556485e-06 2.400000e+01
64 1.172278e-05 2.399996e+01
65 1.809704e-05 2.399994e+01
66 4.205324e-05 2.399998e+01
67 4.227346e-05 2.399994e+01
68 2.200456e-05 2.399982e+01
69 3.367094e-05 2.399992e+01
70 1.883996e-05 2.399991e+01
71 1.952489e-04 2.399984e+01
72 1.620355e-04 2.399977e+01
73 6.868977e-05 2.399989e+01

There are obvious issues with these values:
  1. They are not normalised to [0-24)
  2. The numbers are reported to different precision, depending on their magnitude (and, for small numbers, they are reported to an unjustifiable precision).
These matters are easily fixed by the following script, do-stage-34.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

import re
import sys

filename = sys.argv[1]

field_nr = 32    # magnetic_local_time (wrt 0)

with open(filename) as records:
  for line in records:
    fields = line.split()
    value_str = fields[field_nr]
    value = float(value_str)
    if (value >= 24):
      value = value - 24
    output_format = '{:8.5f}'
    new_value_str = output_format.format(value)
    fields[field_nr] = new_value_str
    newline = " ".join(fields)
    print newline

Stage 34: Reformat values of magnetic_local_time

Execute do-stage-34.py on all the relevant satellites:

for file in ns[567]*
  ./do-stage-34.py $file > ../gps-stage-34/$file

The maxima and minima now have these (reasonable) values:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 0.00001 23.99998
54 0.00000 23.99998
55 0.00003 23.99994
56 0.00002 23.99998
57 0.00004 23.99998
58 0.00003 23.99999
59 0.00000 23.99999
60 0.00001 23.99999
61 0.00000 23.99999
62 0.00000 23.99996
63 0.00000 23.99999
64 0.00001 23.99996
65 0.00002 23.99994
66 0.00004 23.99998
67 0.00004 23.99994
68 0.00002 23.99982
69 0.00003 23.99992
70 0.00002 23.99991
71 0.00020 23.99984
72 0.00016 23.99977
73 0.00007 23.99989

Sanity check for utc_lgm

The definition of utc_lgm [it is unclear why the field is not called simply utc] is:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC (0-24 hours)

 We offer a small correction:

Column Variable name type Dim. description
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC [0-24) hours

The actual values of this field lie in the following ranges:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 5.567111e-03 2.396917e+01
54 5.567111e-03 2.398610e+01
55 1.916133e-02 2.399556e+01
56 6.108889e-03 2.397277e+01
57 1.248933e-02 2.399583e+01
58 2.527778e-02 2.398555e+01
59 5.563556e-03 2.399222e+01
60 1.949778e-03 2.395944e+01
61 9.177333e-03 2.398278e+01
62 9.993333e-03 2.398639e+01
63 7.219556e-03 2.399306e+01
64 1.554756e-02 2.399083e+01
65 2.001156e-02 2.399666e+01
66 3.249156e-02 2.399500e+01
67 1.055556e-02 2.398972e+01
68 1.111778e-02 2.395138e+01
69 1.638756e-02 2.399332e+01
70 4.445378e-02 2.399693e+01
71 1.221156e-02 2.399445e+01
72 2.527778e-02 2.396389e+01
73 4.111778e-02 2.397445e+01

The numbers are obviously reported to a precision that is a function of their magnitude. This is easily fixed by the following script, do-stage-35.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

import re
import sys

filename = sys.argv[1]

field_nr = 33    # utc_lgm (wrt 0)

with open(filename) as records:
  for line in records:
    fields = line.split()
    value_str = fields[field_nr]
    value = float(value_str)
    output_format = '{:8.5f}'
    new_value_str = output_format.format(value)
    fields[field_nr] = new_value_str
    newline = " ".join(fields)
    print newline

Note, however, that the minima are orders of magnitude greater than the originally reported values for the field magnetic_local_time. There is  a slight inconsistency in the mechanisms for reporting these two types of time. It is hard to see how this will make any difference when actually using the dataset, but I note it in passing.

Stage 35: Reformat values of utc_lgm

Execute do-stage-34.py on all the relevant satellites:

for file in ns[567]*
  ./do-stage-35.py $file > ../gps-stage-35/$file

The maxima and minima now have these values:

Satellite Minimum Maximum
53 0.00557 23.96917
54 0.00557 23.98610
55 0.01916 23.99556
56 0.00611 23.97277
57 0.01249 23.99583
58 0.02528 23.98555
59 0.00556 23.99222
60 0.00195 23.95944
61 0.00918 23.98278
62 0.00999 23.98639
63 0.00722 23.99306
64 0.01555 23.99083
65 0.02001 23.99666
66 0.03249 23.99500
67 0.01056 23.98972
68 0.01112 23.95138
69 0.01639 23.99332
70 0.04445 23.99693
71 0.01221 23.99445
72 0.02528 23.96389
73 0.04112 23.97445

A checkpoint copy of the stage 35 files is available here, with MD5 checksum b85d41e615126e3912bd50aa55a4af54.

The data table for ns41 and ns48 still looks like this:

Column Variable name type Dim. Description
1 decimal_day double 1 GPS time -- a number from 1 (1-Jan 00:00) to 366 (31-Dec 24:00) or 367 in leap years
2 Geographic_Latitude double 1 Latitude of satellite (deg)
3 Geographic_Longitude double 1 Longitude of satellite (deg)
4 Rad_Re double 1 (radius of satellite)/Rearth
5-12 rate_electron_measured double 8 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 8 BDD electron channels (E1-E8)
13-20 rate_proton_measured double 8 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 8 BDD proton channels (P1-P8)
21 collection_interval int 1 dosimeter collection period (seconds)
22 year int 1 year (e.g. 2015)
23 decimal_year double 1 decimal year = year + (decimal_day-1.0)/(days in year)
24 svn_number int 1 SVN number of satellite
25 b_coord_radius double 1 radius from earth's dipole axis (earth radii)
26 b_coord_height double 1 height above the earth's dipole equatorial plane (earth radii)
27 magnetic_longitude double 1 Magnetic longitude (degrees)
28 L_shell double 1 L_shell (earth radii) -- I do not clearly understand the origin of the calculation, but it seems to be a dipole field/T-89
29 bfield_ratio double 1 Bsatellite/Bequator
30 local_time double 1 magnetic local time (0-24 hours)
31 b_sattelite double 1 B field at satellite (gauss)
32 b_equator double 1 B field at equator (on this field line I think) (gauss)
33-40 electron_background double 8 estimated background in electron channels E1-E8 (Hz)
41-48 proton_background double 8 estimated background in proton channels P1-P8 (Hz)
49 proton_activity int 1 =1 if there is significant proton activity
50 electron_temperature double 1 electron temperature from a one Maxwellian fit (MeV)
51 electron_density_fit double 1 electron number density from a one Maxwellian fit (cm-3)
52-59 model_counts_electron_fit double 8 E1-E8 rates from the 2-parameter Maxwellian fit to the electron data
60-67 dtc_counts_electron double 8 Dead time corrected electron rates (from data, not fit)
68-97 integral_flux_instrument double 30 (based on 2 parameter Maxwellian fit) integral of electron flux above integral_flux_energy[i] particles/(cm2sec)
98-127 integral_flux_energy double 30 energies for the integral of integral_flux_instrument (MeV)
128-142 electron_diff_flux_energy double 15 energies for the fluxes in electron_diff_flux_energy (MeV)
143-157 electron_diff_flux double 15 (based on 2 parameter Maxwellian fit) electron flux at energies electron_diff_flux[i] (particle/(cm2 sr MeV sec))

And for the remaining satellites we now have (I have slightly edited the description of the magnetic_longitude and L_LGM_OP77IGRF fields):

Column Variable name type Dim. description
1 decimal_day double 1 GPS time: a decimal number in the range [1, 367) in leap years or [1, 366) otherwise, representing the day of the year (1-Jan 00:00 to 31-Dec 24:00).
2 Geographic_Latitude double 1 Latitude of satellite (°, N +ve)
3 Geographic_Longitude double 1 Longitude of satellite (°, E +ve, measured from Greenwich meridian)
4 Rad_Re double 1 Distance from centre of Earth, in units of Earth radii.
5-15 rate_electron_measured double 11 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 11 CXD electron channels
16-20 rate_proton_measured double 5 Measured rate (Hz) in each of the 5 CXD proton channels (P1-P5)
21 LEP_thresh double 1 LEP threshold in E1 channels, in keV
22 collection_interval int 1 dosimeter collection period (seconds)
23 year int 1 year (e.g. 2015)
24 decimal_year double 1 decimal year = year + (decimal_day-1.0) / (days in year)
25 SVN int 1 Satellite Vehicle Number
26 b_coord_radius double 1 Distance from dipole axis, in units of Earth radii.
27 b_coord_height double 1 Distance from dipole equatorial plane, in units of Earth radii (N +ve).
28 magnetic_longitude double 1 Magnetic longitude (°)
29 L_shell double 1 L shell: McIlwain calculation according to model with T89 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
30 L_LGM_TS04IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, TS04 External Field, IGRF Internal Field.
31 L_LGM_OP77IGRF double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, OP77 External Field, IGRF Internal Field
32 L_LGM_T89CDIP double 1 LanlGeoMag L-shell McIlwain calculation, T89 External Field, Centered Dipole Internal Field
33 magnetic_local_time double 1 magnetic local time [0-24) hours
34 utc_lgm double 1 UTC [0-24) hours
35-45 electron_background double 11 estimated background in electron channels E1-E11 (Hz)
46-50 proton_background double 5 estimated background in proton channels P1-P5 (Hz)
51 proton_activity int 1 =1 if there is significant proton activity
52 proton_temperature_fit double 1 characteristic momentum -- R0 in the expression given above (MeV/c)
53 proton_density_fit double 1 N0 parameter in fit to proton flux ((protons/(cm2 sec sr MeV))
54 electron_temperature_fit double 1 electron temperature from a one Maxwellian fit (MeV)
55 electron_density_fit double 1 electron number density from a one Maxwellian fit (cm-3)
56-60 model_counts_proton_fit_pf double 5 P1-P5 rate from proton fit (using proton_temperature_fit, proton_density_fit)
61-71 model_counts_electron_fit double 11 E1-E11 rates from the 9-parameter electron flux model
72-77 proton_integrated_flux_fit double 6 integral of proton flux (based on fit) above 10, 15.85, 25.11, 30, 40, 79.43 MeV (proton kinetic energy)
78-107 integral_flux_instrument double 30 (based on 9 parameter fit) integral of electron flux above integral_flux_energy[i] particles/(cm2 sec)
108-137 integral_flux_energy double 30 energies for the integral of integral_flux_instrument (MeV)
138-152 electron_diff_flux_energy double 15 energies for the fluxes in electron_diff_flux_energy (MeV)
153-167 electron_diff_flux double 15 (based on 9 parameter fit) electron flux at energies electron_diff_flux[i] (particle/(cm2 sr MeV sec))
168-176 Efitpars double 9 fit parameters for 9 parameter electron fit

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